Infinitode 2 Wiki

Clicking on the Green Papers icon in the top right of the screen takes you to the shop.

From here, you can watch advertisements, purchase chests, or purchase green papers/accelerators with real money.

Double Gain[]

A one time purchase for $5.00, you permanently gain 2x Green Papers and resources for each game. This also increase ad rewards effectiveness.

Watch ads[]

Watching advertisements provides:

  • Variety of resources (Only resources you unlocked from research. If Tensor is not available, you will not get Tensor)
  • Green Papers = Min(Total Research Levels Gained / 1000 + 1, 2) / Total In-Game Playtime In Seconds x 540 x Total GP Gained
  • Keys (However it is not obtainable through random chance, it is based on research)


Green Papers earn from advertisements decreases while playing in-game but increases through Total research levels and cumulative green papers earned through the entire game.

The formula is 2 / Total In-Game Playtime In Seconds x 540 x Total GP Gained if you have 1,000 Total research levels invested through the entire research tree.

Keys are not obtained by Random Number Generator (RNG) but instead is based off your total research levels.

You are qualified to obtain 1 key by this condition: Total Research Levels % 4 = 0

If that returns a 0, you will not get any keys from advertisements else the following array shows the key types you can get

{1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 4, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 4}

The key you get is based off this formula: Total Research / 4 % 31 (the length of that array)

The number calculated from the formula is what key you get

Number Key
1 Blue Key
2 Purple Key
3 Orange Key
4 Cyan Key

You will be able to collect additional loot for watching a certain amount of ads. You must claim them manually to get them.

  • Every 20 ads watched
    • 2x Lucky Shot
    • With Permanent Double Gain, you will get 5x Lucky shot instead
  • Every 500 ads watched.
    • Double Gain (lasts 2 weeks)
    • With Permanent Double Gain, you will get 200 Accelerators instead

Lucky Shot[]

A Lucky shot ticket is used for spinning the wheel.

To start spinning you will need to get a new wheel, which will cost 1 Lucky shot ticket.

After spending a ticket, the wheel can then be spun to obtain random loot. Once a loot is obtained, the player can then spend another ticket to either spin the same wheel again with the previously obtained loot removed or spin a fresh new wheel. The player is able to re-spin the wheel for an added cost of more lucky shot tickets or accelerators.

You may re-spin the wheel up to 5 times.

Re-spin cost[]

Re-spin #1 costs 2 Lucky Shots tickets or 10 accelerators

Re-spin #2 costs 2 Lucky Shots tickets or 20 accelerators

Re-spin #3 costs 30 accelerators

Re-spin #4 costs 40 accelerators

Re-spin #5 costs 50 accelerators

List of possible items[]

  • Green Papers
  • Resources
  • Bit Dust
  • Chests
  • Tiles for custom maps
  • Tickets (Rarity, Loot, Research)
  • Blueprints (Blue, Purple, Orange, Legendary)
  • Multiplier (Free re-spin when obtained)


Chests purchased from the shop will automatically be opened and will not go to the inventory.


Green Chest[]

Unlike the other chests, this chest isn't available in the shop, but rather through killing enemies that carry loot, or by quests. This chest's loot is usually common, and shouldn't be relied upon once finishing the storyline.


Blue Chest[]

  • Costs 7,500 Green Papers / 10 Blue Keys
  • Provides 5 Cards that contains:
    • 70% Chance to get a Common Loot
    • 25% Chance to get a Rare Loot
    • 5% Chance to get a Very Rare Loot

Purple Chest[]

  • Costs 30,000 Green Papers / 10 Purple Keys
  • Provides 6 that contains: (You will always get 1 Purple Card)
    • 51% Chance to get a Common Loot
    • 34% Chance to get a Rare Loot
    • 12% Chance to get a Very Rare Loot
    • 3% Chance to get a Epic Loot

Orange Chest[]

  • Costs 120,000 Green Papers / 10 Orange Keys
  • Takes 12 hours to decrypt
  • Provides 7 Cards that contains: (You will always get 1 Orange Card)
    • 29% Chance to get a Common Loot
    • 38% Chance to get a Rare Loot
    • 18% Chance to get a Very Rare Loot
    • 12% Chance to get a Epic Loot
    • 3% Chance to get a Legendary Loot

Cyan Chest[]

  • Costs 120 Accelerators / 10 Cyan Keys
  • Provides 8 Cards that contains: (You will always get 1 Cyan Card)
    • 14% Chance to get a Common Loot
    • 30% Chance to get a Rare Loot
    • 24% Chance to get a Very Rare Loot
    • 20% Chance to get a Epic Loot
    • 12% Chance to get a Legendary Loot

Green Papers Purchases[]

Note: These are the amount that you get (before researches) for in app purchases

$0.99 - 10,000 green papers

$2.99 - 30,000+3,000 green papers and 1 Rarity Tickets

$9.99 - 100,000 + 20,000 green papers and 3 Rarity Tickets

$24.99 - 250,000 + 87,500 green papers and 10 Rarity Tickets

Accelerator Purchases[]

Note: These are the amount that you get (before researches) for in app purchases

$0.99 - 20 accelerators

$3.00 - 60+9 accelerators

$9.99 - 200+70 accelerators

$24.99 - 500 + 250 accelerators


You will be able to see Loot Ticket Duration and amount of Rarity Ticket you have. There is a small chance to get them through Item Chance or Epic/Legendary Loot in-game.

Loot Ticket - Grants a 50% higher green paper drop rate on enemies. This has a set duration. Automatically used if obtained.

Rarity Ticket - The next game started after receiving the ticket will have the rarity of its loot increase by 50%. Automatically used. The ticket will be wasted if starting a new game while an existing game with a Rarity Ticket is active.

Towers Basic (Tower)Basic ·Sniper (Tower)Sniper ·Cannon (Tower)Cannon ·Freezing (Tower)Freezing ·Antiair (Tower)Antiair ·Splash (Tower)Splash ·Blast (Tower)Blast ·Multishot (Tower)Multishot ·Minigun (Tower)Minigun ·Venom (Tower)Venom ·Tesla (Tower)Tesla ·Missile (Tower)Missile ·Flamethrower (Tower)Flamethrower ·Laser (Tower)Laser ·Gauss (Tower)Gauss ·Crusher (Tower)Crusher
Enemies RegularRegular ·FastFast ·StrongStrong ·HeliHeli ·JetJet ·ArmoredArmored ·HealerHealer ·ToxicToxic ·IcyIcy ·FighterFighter ·LightLight
Bosses Broot (Boss)Broot ·Boss stakeyStakey · Constructor (Boss)Constructor · Mobchain (Boss)Mobchain · Metaphor (Boss)Metaphor (Boss-metaphor-creep-2Creep)
Maps Icon-editCustom Maps · Prestige-ticketPrestige · Res skillpoint coloredDaily Quests · Miner-ScalarMiners · Tile-icon-music-trackMusic · Mod DamageModifiers
Other ResearchResearches · Ability-BlizzardAbilities · Buff-health-bar-icon-burnEffects · Icon-shop-cartShop · Icon-star-hollowScore · Icon-backpackInventory