Infinitode 2 Wiki


On the Main Menu of the game, you will see your current mode at the bottom of the screen. The default mode selected will be Normal mode. Easy mode is also available at the start of the game. Hard mode will be unlocked upon completing the game at level 5.8.

Easy mode[]

Portals will be 92% of their actual difficulty percentage. Waves can only be called by the player, but all miners will stop working if the timer runs out. All miners also mine 25% slower. Leaderboards are disabled, no profile XP is given. Achievements cannot be obtained.

Normal mode[]

Standard difficulty. Unless called early, new waves will come when the timer runs out. Standard leaderboards.

Endless (Hard) mode[]

Portals will be 150% (can be increased to 900% with research) of their actual difficulty percentage. Bit dust Bit Dust will be gained as a loot and passively over time. Endless research (a buffed version of research requiring a lot of resources) will be given to cope with added difficulty. Has separate leaderboards limited to 1 hour per game, which do not count towards seasonal scores. Profile XP is halved and limited to 1 hour per game. Achievements cannot be obtained.
