Infinitode 2 Wiki

Miners can be used to extract resources (Resource-Scalar Scalar, Resource-Vector Vector, Resource-Matrix Matrix, Resource-Tensor Tensor, Resource-Infiar Infiar) from source tiles. Resources are required for Research.

Miners can be unlocked, the maximum number of each can be upgraded, and the deployment speed can be increased through Research.

When placed, miners first spend 60-80 seconds (upgradable) deploying, then start generating resources.

Each miner has its own maximum speed at which it can mine each type of resource. Upgrading the miner increases this speed. This speed is then multiplied by the Resource Density of the source.

Note that the concentration of each resource available is NOT taken into consideration into determining miner speed. For example, a SCL1-R placed in a source tile with 20% of each resource at 100% resource density, has the same speed of mining the Resource-Scalar Scalar as in a source tile with 100% Resource-Scalar Scalar at 100% resource density.

For miners capable of extracting multiple resource types, they can extract any of those Resources from a Source that contains those types; and the sequence of resource types mined in a game is determined randomly based on the relative concentrations of each resource available in that source.

In normal story mode maps and daily quest maps, the source patches are infinite. However, on custom maps, only the specified amount of the resource can be mined before it runs out for that game. Miners will still continue to mine even though the source runs out in custom maps for the purpose of getting items, used for modifier: experience, or used for Gauss Tower.

Miners have a small chance to receive a random item whenever they mine a source (Up to 4 - can be upgraded through Research)

For every miner placed down, the next miner of that type costs 60% more than that miner to build. (This 60% is multiplicative, making the costs reach into the thousands for the fourth to sixth miner.) For every miner upgraded, the next miner of that type costs 25% more to upgrade from the same level. (For example, upgrading a second MTRX-3 from level 0 to level 1 after a first MTRX-3 have done so costs 231, rounded down. However, upgrading from level 1 to level 2 still costs 600 if the first MTRX-3 has not yet been upgraded to that level.)

Sell price is 50% of the total number of coins that have been spent on that miner.

Available Miners[]

All mining speed values below assume 100% density, upgrade level 0-10, with no modifiers attached or research applied.

In easy mode mining speed is reduced to 75% of the listed values. Also, since a new wave will not appear once the wave countdown timer expires unless you explicitly call the wave, all mining will cease once the timer expires to prevent exploitation by deliberately dragging out levels on easy mode to increase the amount of mining the occurs.

Miner-Scalar SCL1-R[]

  • Can be researched after unlocking 2.1
  • Base cost: 120 coins
  • Time needed to install miner: 1:00
Upgrade Level Mining Speed Upgrade Cost Cumulative Cost
0 10.0 150 120
1 12.0 400 270
2 15.0 1,000 670
3 19.0 1,500 1,670
4 24.0 2,100 3,170
5 30.0 2,800 5,270
6 36.0 3,700 8,070
7 42.0 4,800 11,770
8 49.0 6,000 16,570
9 56.0 8,000 22,570
10 65.0 n/a 30,570

Miner-Vector V2-CTR[]

  • Can be researched after unlocking level 2.3
  • Base cost: 140 coins
  • Time needed to install miner: 1:05
Upgrade Level Mining Speed Upgrade Cost Cumulative Cost
0 8.70 170 140
1 10.4 500 310
2 13.0 1,200 810
3 16.5 1,750 2,010
4 20.8 2,300 3,760
5 26.1 3,100 6,060
6 31.3 4,300 9,160
7 36.5 5,700 13,460
8 42.6 7,200 19,160
9 48.7 9,600 26,360
10 56.5 n/a 35,960

Miner-Matrix MTRX-3[]

  • Can be researched after unlocking level 3.1
  • Base cost: 170 coins
  • Time needed to install miner: 1:10
Upgrade Level Mining Speed Upgrade Cost Cumulative Cost
0 7.4 185 170
1 8.88 600 355
2 11.1 1,400 955
3 14.0 2,000 2,355
4 17.7 2,500 4,355
5 22.2 3,400 6,855
6 26.6 5,000 10,255
7 31.0 6,600 15,255
8 36.2 8,400 21,855
9 41.4 11,000 30,255
10 48.1 n/a 41,255

Miner-Tensor TN4S-R[]

  • Can be researched after unlocking level 4.1
  • Base cost: 185 coins
  • Time needed to install miner: 1:15
Upgrade Level Mining Speed Upgrade Cost Cumulative Cost
0 6.0 240 185
1 7.2 750 425
2 9.0 1,800 1,175
3 11.4 2,400 2,975
4 14.4 2,900 5,375
5 18.0 4,000 8,275
6 21.6 5,800 12,275
7 25.2 7,400 18,075
8 29.4 9,500 25,475
9 33.6 12,500 34,975
10 39.0 n/a 47,475

Miner-Infiar IN5-AR[]

  • Can be researched after unlocking level 5.1
  • Base cost: 200 coins
  • Time needed to install miner: 1:20
Upgrade Level Mining Speed Upgrade Cost Cumulative Cost
0 4.5 250 200
1 5.4 875 450
2 6.75 1,900 1,325
3 8.55 2,600 3,225
4 10.8 3,500 5,825
5 13.5 5,100 9,325
6 16.2 6,600 14,425
7 18.9 8,800 21,025
8 22.0 11,000 29,825
9 25.2 14,000 40,825
10 29.2 n/a 54,825





  • Except for Infiar, the miners and resources are named after tensors of increasing number of dimensions. Scalars are zero-dimensional tensors, vectors are one-dimensional tensors, and matrices are two-dimensional tensors. A tensor itself is a generalized form of an array of data.
Towers Basic (Tower)Basic ·Sniper (Tower)Sniper ·Cannon (Tower)Cannon ·Freezing (Tower)Freezing ·Antiair (Tower)Antiair ·Splash (Tower)Splash ·Blast (Tower)Blast ·Multishot (Tower)Multishot ·Minigun (Tower)Minigun ·Venom (Tower)Venom ·Tesla (Tower)Tesla ·Missile (Tower)Missile ·Flamethrower (Tower)Flamethrower ·Laser (Tower)Laser ·Gauss (Tower)Gauss ·Crusher (Tower)Crusher
Enemies RegularRegular ·FastFast ·StrongStrong ·HeliHeli ·JetJet ·ArmoredArmored ·HealerHealer ·ToxicToxic ·IcyIcy ·FighterFighter ·LightLight
Bosses Broot (Boss)Broot ·Boss stakeyStakey · Constructor (Boss)Constructor · Mobchain (Boss)Mobchain · Metaphor (Boss)Metaphor (Boss-metaphor-creep-2Creep)
Maps Icon-editCustom Maps · Prestige-ticketPrestige · Res skillpoint coloredDaily Quests · Miner-ScalarMiners · Tile-icon-music-trackMusic · Mod DamageModifiers
Other ResearchResearches · Ability-BlizzardAbilities · Buff-health-bar-icon-burnEffects · Icon-shop-cartShop · Icon-star-hollowScore · Icon-backpackInventory