Infinitode 2 Wiki

Welcome to Infinitode 2 Wiki!

"Every game in this Tower Defense strategy game (TD) is endless - stand against infinite number of enemy waves for as long as you can!"

Infinitode 2 - Tower Defense game made by Vadym Sakhno (therainycat).

This wiki covers the gameplay and strategical aspects of the game known as Infinitode 2, a tower defense game that can go on indefinitely! Here you can find information about:

Enemies - will try to destroy your base.

Towers - can prevent enemies from reaching your base.

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Use this wiki as a great source of information to aid your gameplay experience!

If you are an experienced player and wish to fully optimize your gameplay, check out the Compendium - the greatest source of advanced knowledge, gathered by the best of Infinitode 2 players!

Towers Basic (Tower)Basic ·Sniper (Tower)Sniper ·Cannon (Tower)Cannon ·Freezing (Tower)Freezing ·Antiair (Tower)Antiair ·Splash (Tower)Splash ·Blast (Tower)Blast ·Multishot (Tower)Multishot ·Minigun (Tower)Minigun ·Venom (Tower)Venom ·Tesla (Tower)Tesla ·Missile (Tower)Missile ·Flamethrower (Tower)Flamethrower ·Laser (Tower)Laser ·Gauss (Tower)Gauss ·Crusher (Tower)Crusher
Enemies RegularRegular ·FastFast ·StrongStrong ·HeliHeli ·JetJet ·ArmoredArmored ·HealerHealer ·ToxicToxic ·IcyIcy ·FighterFighter ·LightLight
Bosses Broot (Boss)Broot ·Boss stakeyStakey · Constructor (Boss)Constructor · Mobchain (Boss)Mobchain · Metaphor (Boss)Metaphor (Boss-metaphor-creep-2Creep)
Maps Icon-editCustom Maps · Prestige-ticketPrestige · Res skillpoint coloredDaily Quests · Miner-ScalarMiners · Tile-icon-music-trackMusic · Mod DamageModifiers
Other ResearchResearches · Ability-BlizzardAbilities · Buff-health-bar-icon-burnEffects · Icon-shop-cartShop · Icon-star-hollowScore · Icon-backpackInventory

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