Infinitode 2 Wiki

Icy is an enemy type in Infinitode 2, having a unique shield mechanic to resist against most forms of damage as well as gain immunity to some crowd control effects.

Upon reaching the base, it has a 50% chance to deal 1 point of damage to it.


The role of Icy is an odd one, comparable to that of the Strong, where it can be seen as a high HP threat that often comes in greater density than the Strong enemies do, on top of different tower effectiveness. It accomplishes this bulk by using shields, which is equivalent of 25% the Icy's health pool.

The shield itself has very interesting qualities, where it absorbs all damage and takes only 25% damage from hits which are not bullets or fire, negating a large proportion of the damage by attacks from towers like Cannon, Venom, Tesla and other attacks that are not bullets or fire. It also makes Icy immune to most movement-impairing effects, which includes freezing, stun and blizzard. After enough damage is sustained, the shield is knocked down, which allows all towers to damage its health pool. Excess damage to the shield is not carried over to Icy's health pool. The enemy also becomes vulnerable to crowd control, but Freezing tower will only apply 50% of its freezing percent. Flamethrower's Cold fire and Napalm are unhindered.

Bullet and fire towers on the other hand are punished far less severely than other towers, damaging the shield without penalty. This makes Splash and Flamethrower towers very suitable candidates for taking out a large wave of Icy, as well as having a provided 50% damage bonus overall. Icy also takes 50% more damage from all burn effects, including Fireball (initial explosion not affected) and Firestorm abilities, as well as Flamethrower's burn and Minigun's Hot bullets.

Tower Effectiveness[]

Tower Damage
Basic (Tower)Basic 50%
Sniper (Tower)Sniper 25%
Cannon (Tower)Cannon 150%
Freezing (Tower)Freezing 50%
Antiair (Tower)Antiair 0%
Splash (Tower)Splash 150%
Blast (Tower)Blast 25%
Multishot (Tower)Multishot 100%
Minigun (Tower)Minigun 25%
Venom (Tower)Venom 50%
Tesla (Tower)Tesla 25%
Missile (Tower)Missile 150%
Flamethrower (Tower)Flamethrower 150%
Laser (Tower)Laser 0%
Gauss (Tower)Gauss 100%
Crusher (Tower)Crusher 50%
Towers Basic (Tower)Basic ·Sniper (Tower)Sniper ·Cannon (Tower)Cannon ·Freezing (Tower)Freezing ·Antiair (Tower)Antiair ·Splash (Tower)Splash ·Blast (Tower)Blast ·Multishot (Tower)Multishot ·Minigun (Tower)Minigun ·Venom (Tower)Venom ·Tesla (Tower)Tesla ·Missile (Tower)Missile ·Flamethrower (Tower)Flamethrower ·Laser (Tower)Laser ·Gauss (Tower)Gauss ·Crusher (Tower)Crusher
Enemies RegularRegular ·FastFast ·StrongStrong ·HeliHeli ·JetJet ·ArmoredArmored ·HealerHealer ·ToxicToxic ·IcyIcy ·FighterFighter ·LightLight
Bosses Broot (Boss)Broot ·Boss stakeyStakey · Constructor (Boss)Constructor · Mobchain (Boss)Mobchain · Metaphor (Boss)Metaphor (Boss-metaphor-creep-2Creep)
Maps Icon-editCustom Maps · Prestige-ticketPrestige · Res skillpoint coloredDaily Quests · Miner-ScalarMiners · Tile-icon-music-trackMusic · Mod DamageModifiers
Other ResearchResearches · Ability-BlizzardAbilities · Buff-health-bar-icon-burnEffects · Icon-shop-cartShop · Icon-star-hollowScore · Icon-backpackInventory