Infinitode 2 Wiki

Fast is a common enemy type found in Infinitode 2, playing as a quick variant of the typical enemy, traveling roughly 25% faster than the normal movement speed of an enemy.


As the designated "speedy" enemy alongside JetJet, Fasts can be a large pest for pushing past defenses built around slow but heavy damage, rushing through the map to the player's base at the end of the track.

To compensate for its speed, Fasts are often quite vulnerable to area-of-effect towers (having only a middling health pool, and suffering against the several high damage bonuses those AOE towers benefit from). Multishot (Tower)Multishot is especially effective, gaining a 50% damage bonus on top of its already great ability to target and land shots at Fasts. Freezing (Tower)Freezing and Blast (Tower)Blast also have their uses in counteracting the speed of a Fast, even when Blast has its direct damage reduced, it can still assist other towers with Fast cleanup. Freezing tower is especially useful against Fast, being able to greatly reduce its speed and increase the damage taken. Venom (Tower)Venom towers' poison effect can further slow Fast enemies by 5% for each effect, capping at 75%.

It is important not to play too heavily into countering enemies such as the StrongStrong, as Fasts have their greatest resistances to the towers which do very well against Strong enemies. Sniper (Tower)Sniper and Tesla (Tower)Tesla do just 25% damage to Fast, while Missile (Tower)Missile does not damage it at all. Being quite expensive in their own rights, spending too many coins on such towers can lead to the player's loss to Fasts.

Tower Effectiveness[]

Tower Damage
Basic (Tower)Basic 100%
Sniper (Tower)Sniper 25%
Cannon (Tower)Cannon 150%
Freezing (Tower)Freezing 100%
Antiair (Tower)Antiair 0%
Splash (Tower)Splash 100%
Blast (Tower)Blast 50%
Multishot (Tower)Multishot 150%
Minigun (Tower)Minigun 50%
Venom (Tower)Venom 150%
Tesla (Tower)Tesla 25%
Missile (Tower)Missile 0%
Flamethrower (Tower)Flamethrower 100%
Laser (Tower)Laser 100%
Gauss (Tower)Gauss 25%
Crusher (Tower)Crusher 100%
Towers Basic (Tower)Basic ·Sniper (Tower)Sniper ·Cannon (Tower)Cannon ·Freezing (Tower)Freezing ·Antiair (Tower)Antiair ·Splash (Tower)Splash ·Blast (Tower)Blast ·Multishot (Tower)Multishot ·Minigun (Tower)Minigun ·Venom (Tower)Venom ·Tesla (Tower)Tesla ·Missile (Tower)Missile ·Flamethrower (Tower)Flamethrower ·Laser (Tower)Laser ·Gauss (Tower)Gauss ·Crusher (Tower)Crusher
Enemies RegularRegular ·FastFast ·StrongStrong ·HeliHeli ·JetJet ·ArmoredArmored ·HealerHealer ·ToxicToxic ·IcyIcy ·FighterFighter ·LightLight
Bosses Broot (Boss)Broot ·Boss stakeyStakey · Constructor (Boss)Constructor · Mobchain (Boss)Mobchain · Metaphor (Boss)Metaphor (Boss-metaphor-creep-2Creep)
Maps Icon-editCustom Maps · Prestige-ticketPrestige · Res skillpoint coloredDaily Quests · Miner-ScalarMiners · Tile-icon-music-trackMusic · Mod DamageModifiers
Other ResearchResearches · Ability-BlizzardAbilities · Buff-health-bar-icon-burnEffects · Icon-shop-cartShop · Icon-star-hollowScore · Icon-backpackInventory